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SFragMem 1.01
Documentation by Thies Wellpott
(excuse my bad English, please)
1. Copyright
SFragMem is FreeWare (c) 1992 Thies Wellpott. You may copy it for free
provided that
- no profit is made with it
- SFragMem is not included with commercial software without
written agreement from the owner of the copyright
- SFragMem is distributed with this documentation file,
"SFragMem.doc" and both files are unmodified
The source code is for personal use only. It need not to be distributed
along with the program, but if it is the whole source code must be kept
with it (currently only "SFragMem.c").
1.1. Warrenty
your computer, your car or even the whole universe or any part of it while
using it, do not blame me, it is not my fault!
2. Introduction
SFragMem is a abbreviation for "Show fragmentation of memory". Because of
the flexibility, dynamic and the great multi-tasking of the Amiga OS the
memory gets fragmented. Imagine you start program 1 which will be loaded to
the first available memory address, afterwards you start program 2 which
will be loaded behind program 1 and then you quit program 1. It`s memory is
freed and their is the fragmentation. It is not possible to move this free
memory directly behind other free areas; running programs would asks the
guru where their memory has gone!
This utility shows the fragmentation of the memory graphically. The whole
memory is drawn as a block with free and used areas using different colors.
Besides you may get some more information about the currently displayed
memory block like block size, total used and total free space and some
internal datas.
3. Usage
SFragMem is runnable from the Workbench and from CLI/Shell but requires OS
2.0 (sorry 1.2/1.3 users, but it is really worth upgrading!). A window
opens and displays the memory block with the highest priority (should be
your fast memory). Used areas are drawn with color 3 (blue) and free areas
are white (color 2). At the left side of the window there are a few marks
that show you where you approx. can find specific memory addresses.
You may resize the window, the display then adjusts itself to the new size,
try it! It is possible that the window size will change automatically if
you release the sizing gadget. Each pixel corresponds 8 bytes (or a
manifold of 8 bytes) of the memory. Following this rule, the memory block
cannot fit every box, so the box is shrunken to the next smaller size.
Then the window size is adjusted to this box size, you understand?
Press the right mouse button and you will see a pull down menu (ever sawn
before? :-) ). "About" tells you some program information, "Quit" quits.
"Next" in the "Memory" menu chooses the next memory block. Mostly their are
two of them (fast memory and chip memory), but perhaps you have just one or
a few more, depends on your hardware configuration. Choose "Next" a few
times more until you completed the whole "circle". "Refresh" refreshes the
display. If you start a program while SFragMem is running the display is
not up to date. You solve this problem with "Refresh".
"Information" opens another window and displays some information about the
current memory block. The main window is locked, it accepts no input.
Activate it and you will (hopefully) see the busy pointer. The first line
shows you the colors used for free and used areas. The second line of text
says how many bytes one pixel displays (if halve of the bytes are free, the
pixel is drawn with color 2, marked as free). The next lines are
self-explaining, I hope (Lower, Upper and Attributes are internal). Close
the information window to continue working with SFragMem.
Bug reports, donations, ideas and nice programs are always welcome but not
neccessary. My address:
Thies Wellpott
Moorhauser Weg 14
2948 Schortens 1
(sorry, no e-mail)